
Thank you for your generosity

Christian giving is more than just giving a tithe (a tenth of our income) back to God. It is a spiritual matter that reflects our relationship with God. Giving is an essential part of Christian living. It challenges us to yield our possessions to God’s ownership. In fact, all things in this world belong to God.

All good things come from our heavenly Father. As stewards of God (1 Chronicles 29:14), we have the privilege to take part in giving to demonstrate our love to God. When we choose to give, God will delight in our obedience.

For a deeper understanding on tithing, look up on the blog Bible articles on “Tithing” Parts 1 to 5.

Thank you for investing in the lives of others.

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Tithe.Ly retains a portion of every donation (Mastercard/Visa: AUD 0.30 + 0.6%; AmEx: AUD 0.30 + 1.9%); we do not recommend the use of AmEx cards as fees are very high. Transactions are processed through Tithe.Ly via 256-bit SSL encryption, Level 1 PCI-DSS compliant digital platform. Card details are tokenised, stored, and encrypted on industrial grade servers. You’re getting security that’s on par with leading financial services.

Tithes & Offerings

Account Name: Hope Church Brisbane
BSB: 034061
Account No: 146121
PayID via ABN: 64 772 954 892

Kingdom Matters

Account Name: Kingdom Matters
BSB: 034061
Account No: 175045

Account Name: Missions
BSB: 034061
Account No: 357658

Hands of hope

Donations are tax-deductible, please head to for more information.