Ps Wilson and Ps Lai Ling Lim

Wilson and Lai Ling founded and lead Hope Church. Wilson is President of Hope International Ministries, a global church-planting family of churches. They minister widely around the world today. Wilson is known for his lively, engaging expositional preaching, theological and leadership insights as well as apostolic father’s heart. Lai Ling is known for her heart-touching sermons, counselling, prophetic and intercessory leadership. They founded, a ministry equipping website where they produce podcasts and blogs. They love serving God and His Church.

Wilson holds a PhD in Civil Engineering (Monash University) and a MTh (The University of Manchester). He was a research scientist with CSIRO. He served as a Bible College director and currently chairman of Australian Care & Trauma Services. Lai Ling holds an Accounting degree (Monash University) and was a Certified Practising Accountant. She also holds Dip. Biblical Studies & Ministry and Dip. Community & Social Work (Counselling).

Wilson likes to follow tennis and is still sad to see Roger Federer and Nadal Raphael retire. He retains a nerdy fascination with science & technology plus science fiction. It pops up occasionally in his illustrations. He enjoys reading and amazingly, even theological papers. Lai Ling loves travel and flowers she does not need to tend. They are happily married with 3 adult children and 1 daughter-in-law.


Ps Joshua and Lillian Chee

Ps Joshua and Lillian Chee have been in Hope Church since 1997. They are a fun-loving couple and are hugely pastoral. Ps Joshua formerly worked as an accountant before becoming a full-time church staff. He is now the Executive Pastor of Hope Church and he oversees our Willawong, St Lucia and Gatton services, church ministries and operations. He is known for his humour and impactful preaching. Lillian works as a pharmacist in Brisbane and serves in the Working Adult and Family Pastoral Ministry. Together, they are passionate about equipping and empowering leaders. They love investing in the next generation and helping people thrive in their spiritual journeys. Ps Joshua is an avid sports fan who supports most of the Brisbane teams; Boston Celtics and Manchester United. He enjoys music and reading too. Lillian loves to bake and paint. They are parents to two children (Elise and Ethan) and two dogs (Milo and Lilo).

Gold Coast Service Pastor

Ps Lance and Belle Wolter

Ps Lance & Belle were married in 2006 and started leading Hope Church Gold Coast. As time went on they began to also become more and more involved with our other churches and missional work, especially in Africa. In late 2018 they both took a big leap of faith and stepped out to relocate to Southern Africa for a season, all to help out in a greater measure with our missions and church planting efforts there. As a result of the generous giving and prayers of the church, they are now serving over 100 churches and developing community works for the poorest of the poor. They love Africa and have also adopted three beautiful children.

St Lucia Service Coordinator

Jason Chia

Jason is one of the Service Coordinators at Hope Church St Lucia, Brisbane. He is currently overseeing the University ministry. Jason is passionate about seeing the next generation love and serve God with wholehearted devotion. He is also excited about equipping leaders and mentors. Jason graduated from Queensland University of Technology with a PhD in Transport Engineering. He also holds a Graduate Certificate in Divinity from the Brisbane School of Theology, an affiliated college of the Australian College of Theology. He is married to Ee Laine, and they have an energetic son, Eden.
St Lucia Service Coordinator

Kelvin Chia

Kelvin is one of the Service Coordinators in Hope Church St Lucia. He takes care of the working professionals and family group. Kelvin is passionate to see individuals find their purpose and calling and see families discipled in Christ. He loves a good cup of coffee and He graduated from Queensland University of Technology in Pharmacy. He is married to Florence and they have a lively son, Zachary.

Hope Youth Coordinator

Chris Bee

Chris is the Hope Youth coordinator which is the high school ministry of Hope Church Willawong. Chris is passionate about seeing the next generation have a personal encounter with Jesus, discover their identity in Christ and play a part in a community where they can flourish. Chris is currently pursuing his Masters of Ministry and has been married to Lisa since 2016, after meeting in Youth in 2000. Lisa also has a huge heart for young people and is currently working as a Neonatologist in Brisbane whilst pursuing her PhD at UQ. Together they love to travel and a good plate of food.